The is only awakening is the one that occurs whenever we are together.

Shûnyatâ yoga

Retreat into Darkness



Darkness Retreat at Tao Garden, Chiang Mai, Thailand

with Anoula Sifonios

April 20th to May 4th, 2025: 12 days in the dark + 2 days acclimatization to light

We’ll use the body’s physiological changes and the rise in frequency to discover aspects of Reality that are usually inaccessible. This is a blessed time to meditate, connect and listen to the quivering of Reality, from matter to the most ethereal planes of Being.

A spiritual leap in evolution

The exact content of the teaching will depend on the people who attend that event, but the great classics will be present: nidrâ-yoga, prânâyâma, dhyâna. Teachings always complement the practices, explaining the chemical and hormonal changes in the body from day to day, and shedding light on the soul’s journey towards its Source.

Themes to come

This year, I’d like to explore the theme of obstacles to love.

How do you set your heart free?
What is true love?
What blocks the awakening of energy and the illumination of the spirit?

It’s about releasing old karmas, becoming aware of certain patterns in order to let them go, and so on.
For the most part, it’s the group’s divinity who completes the teaching content.

In the dark, the body functions on a different plane, giving us access to the invisible and increasing our knowledge of the self and the subtle. Visions, revelations and upliftment show you what you need to understand today, right where you are.


Mainly prânâyâma and nidrâ. Guided practices on the energy body as well as the intuition body: deep relaxation, meditation, breath work, spontaneous movement of soul and body with music, teachings on the awakening of the heart and consciousness.


April 20th to May 4th 2025 at ‘Tao Garden’, Chiang Mai, Thailand
This retreat is bilingual English-French.

Teaching fee (12 days + 2 days for acclimatising) : 1300 CHF (approx. 1353 €) in a shared room, 1500 CHF (approx. 1561 €) if you choose a single one.

Accommodation: approx. from THB 32,700 to THB 38,400 according to the type of room you choose.

Download the flyer by clicking on the image

Download the introduction document

Introduction to the Darkness Retreats